"Is this black magic?" Sweetheart, the powers I work with are so ancient, that they’re from the time before there was even such a notion between “black” and “white” magic. The ritualistic work I do is with the old gods, the spirits and my own powers. All us humans want for the same things and there is nothing wrong with that. By living our greatest life, we give tribute to these powers that want us to thrive and succeed.
"Is there any risk for me?" No, there’s absolutely no risk or any change my magic can backfire. The only risk you take is seeing your own life passing you by and not doing anything about it.
I come from a long lineage of women that have been practicing witchcraft, going back to at least the 15th century (this is as long as we have been able to trace them). I work with herbs, the elements, spirits and my natural gifts, as well as the ancient traditions here from Scandinavia that has been used for thousand of years.
I’m a lifelong practitioner of the craft. My witchcraft draw upon ancient traditions from Scandinavia. I have a degree in prehistoric archaeology and therefore I draw upon many of these ancient traditions that have been passed through generations. I’m combining this with the knowledge from the women from my mother’s site of the family, that have been “wise women” for as long as we have been able to trace back –to the 15th century. I carry out most of my work in nature at sites known to have been used for rituals for thousands of years leading back to the Stone Age through the Bronze Age, Iron Age, Viking age and beyond. These places are known archaeologically because of findings of sacrifices and remains from spell work, and I use the same places so I can draw upon all the magic that is loaded in the air, the water and the earth. When I then do my spells, I can draw upon my own powers, the ancient powers and the spirits that have gathered there for thousands of years. I am blessed to be living in a place where these ancient sites are in our landscapes and people have been using them since the beginning of when humans first came here. These places represent the liminal space between our world and the other world and doing my magic in the old ways have been very powerful for myself and my clients.
That I work in this way also means, that I’m not performing your spell right after you purchase. (If someone else claims to perform your spell within an hour and just write you it's done, please consider the legitimacy of what they do). I always prepare all my spells careful, and I take information you provide me with into consideration. I take photos and videos on the location and send you in a message when it’s done. You will get a notification before I do it and afterwards.
My Magic works two ways. Firstly: I will clear all the block in your way. I then let the desired energy flow towards you and I call upon ancient powers to assist me, when I do my spells. Secondly: I need you to work with my magic and to keep an open mind. This means, that you will keep a positive attitude, that you will be patient and that you will trust in mine and the higher powers. Keep your intentions clear on what you desire. For a love spell for example, this means that my spell will start to work on the subject the minute the spell is cast. It is like when you set water in motion. At first, it runs slowly, but as time goes the water runs faster and faster. The person might start with thinking about you, and you start to show up in their dreams. Then the feelings start to grow and from here, it can still take a little while before they reach out and contact you. The persons storyline has to re-grow, so it intertwines with yours and this does not happen overnight.
So how long before the spells starts to work? Some of my clients have had extremely fast results. If their desired outcome was close to their current storyline, it's easier for the magic to work. The longer from the current reality it is, the more the Universe has to bring the waves into motion. I can manipulate the waves but I can not force them - and therefore, in rare cases, if your desired result does not exist in any reality, it is for the best that the results does not come into fruition.
But I also want you to remember, that just because a spell does not work right away, it does not mean that it's not WORKING: It is. Results can take days, weeks and sometimes even months to manifest. When you then suddenly get your hearts desire, you realise that it was all working towards this all along.
I use sacrifices in my work. This is not done as in the old ways (with living beings), but for prosperity spells for example, I will use coins and sacrifice them on your behalf into the holy water at the sites where I perform my spells. Give and you shall recieve. In other spells, I will bury something into the ground, as this enhances the spell and makes it more powerful over time. When you offer something to the Universe, the earth, the water and the ancient gods, it will make the spells stronger. This has been done for thousands of years as the magic workers have always known the ways of sacrifice.
"Is there any risk for me?" No, there’s absolutely no risk or any change my magic can backfire. The only risk you take is seeing your own life passing you by and not doing anything about it.
I come from a long lineage of women that have been practicing witchcraft, going back to at least the 15th century (this is as long as we have been able to trace them). I work with herbs, the elements, spirits and my natural gifts, as well as the ancient traditions here from Scandinavia that has been used for thousand of years.
I’m a lifelong practitioner of the craft. My witchcraft draw upon ancient traditions from Scandinavia. I have a degree in prehistoric archaeology and therefore I draw upon many of these ancient traditions that have been passed through generations. I’m combining this with the knowledge from the women from my mother’s site of the family, that have been “wise women” for as long as we have been able to trace back –to the 15th century. I carry out most of my work in nature at sites known to have been used for rituals for thousands of years leading back to the Stone Age through the Bronze Age, Iron Age, Viking age and beyond. These places are known archaeologically because of findings of sacrifices and remains from spell work, and I use the same places so I can draw upon all the magic that is loaded in the air, the water and the earth. When I then do my spells, I can draw upon my own powers, the ancient powers and the spirits that have gathered there for thousands of years. I am blessed to be living in a place where these ancient sites are in our landscapes and people have been using them since the beginning of when humans first came here. These places represent the liminal space between our world and the other world and doing my magic in the old ways have been very powerful for myself and my clients.
That I work in this way also means, that I’m not performing your spell right after you purchase. (If someone else claims to perform your spell within an hour and just write you it's done, please consider the legitimacy of what they do). I always prepare all my spells careful, and I take information you provide me with into consideration. I take photos and videos on the location and send you in a message when it’s done. You will get a notification before I do it and afterwards.
My Magic works two ways. Firstly: I will clear all the block in your way. I then let the desired energy flow towards you and I call upon ancient powers to assist me, when I do my spells. Secondly: I need you to work with my magic and to keep an open mind. This means, that you will keep a positive attitude, that you will be patient and that you will trust in mine and the higher powers. Keep your intentions clear on what you desire. For a love spell for example, this means that my spell will start to work on the subject the minute the spell is cast. It is like when you set water in motion. At first, it runs slowly, but as time goes the water runs faster and faster. The person might start with thinking about you, and you start to show up in their dreams. Then the feelings start to grow and from here, it can still take a little while before they reach out and contact you. The persons storyline has to re-grow, so it intertwines with yours and this does not happen overnight.
So how long before the spells starts to work? Some of my clients have had extremely fast results. If their desired outcome was close to their current storyline, it's easier for the magic to work. The longer from the current reality it is, the more the Universe has to bring the waves into motion. I can manipulate the waves but I can not force them - and therefore, in rare cases, if your desired result does not exist in any reality, it is for the best that the results does not come into fruition.
But I also want you to remember, that just because a spell does not work right away, it does not mean that it's not WORKING: It is. Results can take days, weeks and sometimes even months to manifest. When you then suddenly get your hearts desire, you realise that it was all working towards this all along.
I use sacrifices in my work. This is not done as in the old ways (with living beings), but for prosperity spells for example, I will use coins and sacrifice them on your behalf into the holy water at the sites where I perform my spells. Give and you shall recieve. In other spells, I will bury something into the ground, as this enhances the spell and makes it more powerful over time. When you offer something to the Universe, the earth, the water and the ancient gods, it will make the spells stronger. This has been done for thousands of years as the magic workers have always known the ways of sacrifice.