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Look around and see that I have spells for almost every desire you may have. Decide and know, that once you take this path, there is no turning back. When I have cast your spell, it is all set in motion, so you need to be absolutely certain that you want this outcome.

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I come from a long lineage of women that have been practicing witchcraft, going back to at least the 15th century (this is as long as we have been able to trace them). I work with herbs, the elements, spirits and my natural gifts, as well as the ancient traditions here from Scandinavia that has been used for thousand of years. I’m a lifelong practitioner of the craft. My witchcraft draw upon ancient traditions from Scandinavia. I have a degree in prehistoric archaeology and therefore I draw upon many of these ancient traditions that have been passed through generations. I’m combining this with the knowledge from the women from my mother’s site of the family, that have been “wise women” for as long as we have been able to trace back to the 15th century. I carry out most of my work in nature at sites known to have been used for rituals for thousands of years leading back to the Stone Age through the Bronze Age, Iron Age, Viking age and beyond. These places are known archaeologically because of findings of sacrifices and remains from spell work, and I use the same places so I can draw upon all the magic that is loaded in the air, the water and the earth. When I then do my spells, I can draw upon my own powers, the ancient powers and the spirits that have gathered there for thousands of years. I am blessed to be living in a place where these ancient sites are in our landscapes and people have been using them since the beginning of when humans first came here. These places represent the liminal space between our world and the other world and doing my magic in the old ways have been very powerful for myself and my clients.

  • Alva was fantastic. Communication was perfect, she answered my questions and gave clear directions on what I should do next. Pictures of the work were beautiful and clearly showed that it was the work she was doing on my behalf. Thank you so much! I can’t wait to update this with the results.

  • Alva is very kind and helpful. She advised me on a few options. In terms of the pact, the pictures and feedback that I received was really great. Will be back!!

  • Alva is so lovely and kind. The pictures are beautiful and I am very
    excited and happy. I already noticed a change in me, I can see myself again when I look in the mirror and already got motivation again to care for myself and to feel young and alive. Thank you and thank you goddess Freya ❤️

  • Alva delivered this spell with great intent and mastery. She was
    communicative and kind, took my concerns graciously and was very quick to conduct the ritual I requested. She even sent photos of the ceremony. I am please to say the energy has shifted for the positive and I feel the protection since she performed the spell. Thank you Alva.

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